Differences in Latex

We have added an image to each glove description to better explain it's properties, we thought this was important as every glove is a tad different.  Much like cars will all get you to and from a destination- they all seem to do it with a different ride and set of options.  We wanted to make sure we highlighted the performance features of the West Coast Gloves!

While we only feature Giga, Contact and Ultra Grip- there are many variations of each.  Some perform better in wet, some are a tad more durable and some are a bit softer.

If you do have questions as always feel free to ask us at Contact@WestCoastGoalkeeping.com 

Below is an example of the Performance overview: It highlights Durability, how the glove performs in Dry & Wet conditions and Wrist control (how snug it is on the wrist).   Below it also defines the cut and overall style of the glove. 

